Don Hubbard

DON HUBBARD was stimulated to try the interesting Japanese art of fish printing (gyotaku) after seeing a small example at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in 1968. In this process a direct copy of the creature is made by a transfer process. The creature is coated with paint, then rice paper or tightly woven cloth is laid on to transfer the image. It is a difficult but extremely effective way to achieve an image. Over the years Don has printed over 1000 examples of this art using fish as small as one inch and as large as three feet. He is also one of the few gyotaku artists who print crustaceans and soft bodied creatures like squid and octopus. Examples of all his work are included in his Coronado Art Association show. Don has been a member of the American Nature Printing Society since 1982 and has corresponded with members of the Japanese Gyotaku Society in Tokyo.
In addition to his interest in gyotaku, Don is a recognized marine watercolor artist, marine model builder and writer. His book, SHIPS-IN-BOTTLES: A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO A VENERABLE NAUTICAL CRAFT, [McGraw-Hill, 1971/ Second edition by Sea Eagle Publications 1988) is considered to be the classic text on the subject. A German translation, BUDDELSCHIFFE:WIE MACHT MAN SIE, was published in 1973.
His second book, THE COMPLETE BOOK OF INFLATABLE BOATS, was published in 1980 and was the first American publication on this subject in print.
His latest book, NEPTUNE'S TABLE, is a comprehensive 165 page shellfish cookbook which is illustrated with 12 of his own gyotaku prints. All of his books are available at, at bookstores nationwide, and autographed copies can be obtained directly from the author at the address given below.
Samples of artist's work below. Click image for a larger view.